Reference Data
Advantages of Vitamin C over Traditional Technologies Vitamin C dechlorination has a lengthy history. It has been used in EPA and APHA methods for the dechlorination of lab samples. In the medical industry, it is the standard for critical applications such as dialysis, where the introduction of chlorinated water or toxic chemical would be catastrophic. Breeders of rare fish also choose this method of dechlorination. Very recently, Vitamin dechlorination is being used in the treatment of water. It fully neutralizes both chlorine and chloramines. There are several powerful arguments for using Vitamin instead of KDF, activated carbon or sulfur-based compounds as dechlorination agents. Vitamin utilizes ascorbic acid chemistry for dechlorination. It is made with an essential vitamin for humans and many animals, which is known to boost the immune system, improve skin and hair of humans. It is also the safest and least toxic of dechlorination agents. The research by US EPA found that L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) reacts rapidly and stoichiometrically with active chlorine and has limited interactions with disinfection byproducts. They found no interference from L-ascorbic acid or its oxidation product (dehydroascorbic acid) in mutagenicity assays of chlorinated NOM using Salmonella typhimurium TA100, with or without metabolic activation.